Sunday, August 29, 2010

YouTube has it all!!!

I have a few things in life that I assure I try to do everyday.  One, I try to work on my papercrafts or som, e type of papercrafting item each day.  Whether it is drafting my next design or actually creating that unique project.  Second, I am addicted to the world of paper crafting videos on YouTube.  I can't wait to watch latest posts at lunch or at night when I settle down for bed.  I purchased my iPad just so I had YouTube all the time.  I love the professional women who commit frequent postings their to followers like me.  People like desdichaedo
 roxyfur,  and  pinkaboo6691.  I have the best time watching and learning a new technique.  

I just posted my recent video in which I created a mini for my momma.  She does not understand the paper crafting hobby so I thought I would show her how much fun it can be.

So look for the latesting posting on LouLouShive on YT.

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